Daily Dose of Geeky Faith!

A thumbnail featuring a painting of the Parable of the Good Samaritan with the All Ages of Geek logo on the right hand lower side and the text Bible Review All Ages of Faith on the lefthand upper corner.

Parable of the Good Samaritan: Compassion in a Digital Age

Hey friends let’s review the Parable of the Good Samaritan! You know, that timeless story Jesus told about loving your neighbor and showing compassion. But here’s the twist: how does this lesson extend to our digital lives? With social media and all, it’s a whole new ball game, right? Let’s dive in and see how we can spread some Good Samaritan vibes online! The Classic Tale of the Parable of the Good Samaritan First, a quick refresher: In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus tells the story of a man who gets beaten up and left for dead on the road. A priest and a Levite both see him but pass by without helping. Then, a Samaritan – someone who was considered an outsider and looked down upon – stops and takes care of

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Welcome to All Ages of Faith: For the Catholic Geek in You!

Welcome to All Ages of Faith, where the journey into faith, God, and Jesus embraces a fresh, modern twist. This hub speaks directly to the heart of every Catholic geek out there. Here, faith is discovered in a realm where the sacred texts meet the digital age. It also proves that spirituality and geek culture are not worlds apart, but rather intertwined in the most geeky ways.

Our articles, podcasts, and talks connect sacred texts with the digital age. For the catholic geek faith is part of all realms. It’s in video games, movies, and fan communities. We see God’s designs in games and hear Jesus’ words in superhero tales. Our platform encourages you to explore faith through geek culture.

We tackle topics that resonate with you. From anime insights to comic book heroes, we find biblical echoes everywhere. It’s a space for questions, dialogue, and adventure. We celebrate the Catholic geek journey. Here, geek passions and faith journeys collide. We invite you to join us. Discover the divine in every story, game, and meme with us.

Be sure to connect with us if you’d like to work together geeky Catholics!