Moon Doggie animation interview All Ages of Geek

We Interviewed Indie Animator Moon Doggie!

Today, we’re diving into the world of indie animation with the incredibly talented Moon Doggie. Their animation style is nothing short of mind-blowing, and we’re absolutely thrilled to bring you this interview.

1. What is it like creating an Indie Anime?

Oh gosh, well, I still feel a bit anxious over calling my stuff “Indie Anime” to be honest haha! There are so many incredible animators I look up to that i’d call like, “true” Indie Anime, like the ones you’d see work on music videos for Eve and Zutomayo. I’m still very new to animation, so I feel like I haven’t “earned” that kind of title yet, ya know?

But anyways, sorry, It’s a lot of fun! I love having the freedom to experiment and do things your own way, that to me is what makes the Indie Anime scene interesting. 

2. Your style is very unique! How long did it take to find your artistic style?

First off,  thank you! I think the longer I make stuff (and maybe every artist can relate to this) the more I realise style is just a product of how you ended up learning what you’ve learned…if that makes sense?

So in that way, I’m still very much finding my style as I go. In my head, there’s this “perfect” version of what I’m trying to make, and with each cut I draw or every video I make, I’m trying to get closer and closer toward that. 

3. What inspires your work?

Kamina from Gurren Lagann. Forever and always.

4. Tell us about your YouTube channel. What do you typically post there?

I guess I’m still figuring that out for myself! But generally, I make indie anime about my thoughts/feelings towards things like anime, art and life in general.

5. Goals for 2024?

I don’t really have any like “Checklist” type goals ya know? Similar to this year, there’s a “perfect version” of my videos in my head somewhere. I just want to continue to figure out what that really means. 

I feel like I learned a lot this year and met some incredibly cool people along the way. I also want to see them succeed!!

6. Where can folks support your work?

Youtube and Twitter (X) (and here lol) are my main “things” where you catch my videos/other art.

I have a Patreon too for directly supporting my videos where I send out stickers, give out project files, answer questions n stuff, it’s fun! I’m hoping to do more with my Patreon next year.

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