Sonic the Hedgehog Movie: An Adrenaline Rush of a Good Time

Sonic the Hedgehog Movie All Ages of Geek

When the Sonic the Hedgehog movie was first announced, fans of all varieties were skeptical with how the final product would look, given that there haven’t really been any video games being made into successful live-action movie adaptations. However, I can say with absolute confidence that the Sonic the Hedgehog movie will make you fear […]

Top 10 Grand Theft Auto Main Characters

Grand Theft Auto All Ages of Geek

On October 22, 1997, the first part of the Grand Theft Auto series was released. But it should take until GTA 3 before we get with Claude, the first playable main Character of the GTA series. Here is my personal Top 10 List of my favorite Grand Theft Auto main characters. 10. Toni Cipriani (GTA […]

Animal Crossing and Zodiac Signs

Animal Crossing All Ages of Geek

Hey guys! Since Animal Crossing is coming out this month I thought it would be a good idea to write a little fun article about some of the villagers! In this article, I decided to talk about which villager your zodiac sign is! Aries Friga: Your favorite snooty Penguin is a perfect match for your […]

Console Wars: The Bit Wars II: A New Enemy

Console Wars 4 All Ages of Geek

The year was 1995 and the only 32-bit console to actually release was the Virtual Boy as the Amiga CD32 doesn’t exist in this timeline of the article. Well, it does, but for context, it was a bad system, and I’ll be talking about it in just a bit. The Genesis and SNES fought a […]

Myths and Theories in Pokemon

Pokemon Gen one on All Ages of Geek

The world of Pokemon is full of mysteries and secrets. With every new generation, there are more and more secrets that we try to explain. There are many theories in the Pokemon community that try to explain these mysteries. There are many unsolved mysteries that are still mysteries to this day. Here are a few […]

Console Wars: The Bit Wars

Console Wars 5 All Ages of Geek

It was October 1987 and NEC joined the console war with the birth of the PC Engine in Japan. When this console was released, the graphical capabilities were mind-boggling, as it was a 16-bit console. Sega would follow suit and release the Sega Mega Drive a year after the PC Engine was released and it […]

10 Illogical Things in Pokemon Generation 1

Pokemon Gen one on All Ages of Geek

Anyone who has ever played Pokemon has noticed that there are many illogical things in the Pokemon games. Here are 10 illogical things from the first generation (Blue, Red, Yellow). 1) Professor Oak and his Grandson Right at the start of the game we meet Prof. Oak. We learn what Pokemon are and introduce ourselves. […]

Looking for New Horizons: Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing All Ages of Geek

[Image source] Animal Crossing: New Horizons is perhaps one of my most anticipated games of 2020 and I know I’m not alone. Ever since the Switch came out, fans of the series have been begging Nintendo for a new game. New Leaf was a fantastic game with hits depth of complexity and extreme customization options […]

Console Wars: The Crash and The Rise

Console Wars All Ages of Geek

1983 was pretty much like the great depression for gaming. When the video game crash happened, a lot of consoles suffered from this, as now all appeal had been lost. Not only that, the rise of home computers, like the Apple Macintosh and the legendary Commodore 64 were on the rise for this period between […]