All Ages of Geek Brittany Pomales

Kidlit Interview with the Amazing Brittany Pomales | Galaxy-Boy Delivery

The awesome Brittany Pomales who has a 2025 picture book debut coming up (wow) is here to talk with Galaxy-Boy Delivery all about inspirations behind kidlit, her writing blog, humor in children’s literature and how she creates.

Kidlit is a vital part of the literary world and plays an important role in the development and education of young children. Picture books, in particular, are a crucial tool for helping kids learn to read, build vocabulary, and gain an appreciation for the written word. It’s why here at All Ages of Geek Galaxy-Boy Delivery is on the move to support kidlit creators all around the world just like Brittany and her debut.

The authors and illustrators Galaxy-Boy Delivery interviews are always here to give writing advice along with tips and tricks to any kids who are aspiring to become kidlit creators themselves. Brittany has some great advice for your kids or students, so be sure to support her kidlit journey as she debuts as an author. Always be sure to support local authors and illustrators and review their books on Goodreads and Amazon!

What makes your work different?


That’s a great question! I write humor picture books but humor is a much bigger umbrella than most people realize. One popular form of humor seen in Kidlit is potty humor because kids (and adults) love a well timed fart joke. My picture book debut however, features the double act. In which my characters form a comedic duo. Drawing inspiration from the Abbott and Costello movies my father and I watched when I was a child. This allows for the dialogue to go back and forth with one character being more serious and the other being the funny one. 

Who is your support team for your work?

It takes time to build a support team and that can get frustrating, particularly finding an agent or editor to champion your work, but the right team is always worth it. 

I am fortunate to have many people in my corner including my amazing critique partners, my #PBchat mentor and fellow 2021 #PBchat mentees, my rockstar agent Stefanie Molina at Ladderbird Literary Agency, and last but not least my significant other. 

Where do you usually work? Home studio? Study room? Cafe?

You won’t find me writing at a desk or table. I like to lounge when I write so I am often snuggled in my bed or on the couch. 

List 3 books that inspire you!

There are definitely more than three. There is some major talent in Kidlit. But the first three that come to mind are Claymates by Dev Petty & Lauren Eldridge which features two lumps of clay as a comedic duo, Spencer’s New Pet by Jessie Sima which has a delightful twist at the end, and This is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen which is deliciously dark but in a way that is still palatable to children. 

What are some worlds you’d like to explore in fiction?

I would love to explore horror for children. Think Creepy Underwear by Aaron Reynolds & Peter Brown meets Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. 

What’s your favorite tool to create with? Pencil? Digital? Typewriter? Computer? 

I use different tools depending on the stage of the writing process. I tend to brainstorm on paper (any excuse to buy all the notebooks and fun novelty pens) but prefer to draft and revise using my iPad. 

How do you create characters? 

I usually start with a story scenario and build up the world it takes place in. Then I think about what characters would be in that world. Sometimes a character comes to me fully formed. I can hear their voice clearly in my mind. Other times I have to write a few drafts to get to know the character. 

What types of stories do you want more of personally?

I would LOVE more off the wall humor in picture books. Editors want picture books with both humor and heart and I do too but in achieving that balance you have to reign in some of the weird. I would love more books that tip the scales or even better throws it out the window. 

What was your first picture book, comic, etc?

The first picture book I wrote was about a Christmas tree star and his journey from store shelf to tree top. It was charming and cute but unfortunately it lacked the fresh storyline to stand out in a saturated market of Christmas picture books. I was driven to find a story that did stand out so I shelved that manuscript and kept writing. It can be easy as a beginning writer to get attached to our first stories. Our first ideas usually aren’t our best ones. The first ideas that come to mind are often the most common and obvious ideas. It’s only after digging deeper do you find the ideas that stand out. I’m glad I kept digging. 

Who inspired you as a kid?

Disney was a huge inspiration when I was a kid. Walt was a master at storytelling and the Walt Disney Company maintained that storytelling mastery long after he was gone. I admired the dialogue in Beauty and the Beast, well as much as a five year old could. For a while, in college I wanted to be a script writer but picture books ended up being a better fit. It’s no coincidence my debut picture book is dialogue heavy.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a doctor and was even a certified nurses aid in high school but the sight of blood makes me lightheaded. So I decided that path wasn’t right for me. Younger me would be thrilled to find out that author became an option for me. She didn’t know it was a career back then. 

What can All Ages of Geek do more for the kidlit world? What do you want to see us do?

The kidlit world can always use more things that bring us together to foster connections and have fun while doing it. It is filled with some of the most generous people I know, with both their knowledge of the industry and their time. Sometimes a little organizing is needed to pare up that generosity with those that need it. 

What do you think about All Ages of Geek? Who do you think we should interview next? Any creators you want to give a special shout out to? 

Y’all are bringing the content and I am here for it. 

Ha, I can give you a whole list of people. There are so many rad people in the Kidlit community. I think Nathan Christopher (@Nathan_C_Books on Twitter) would be an awesome person to connect with. He is the creator and moderator of the PB Workshop on Discord and he also developed a super helpful plug in for google docs that will show you your word count without the illustration notes. Total game changer! 

Where can people find your work online?

You can find me on Twitter at @brittanypomales where I post about writing and the behind the scenes of my upcoming 2025 picture book debut. I also maintain a Kidlit writing blog on my website .

Kidlit is a great way for kids to explore their imagination, learn about the world around them, and discover new and exciting ideas. From stories about talking animals and magical adventures to tales of everyday life and important social issues, kidlit has something for every child.

As parents and caregivers, there are many ways that we can support kidlit and the authors who create these wonderful books. Here are a few ways to get started:

  • Buy kidlit books from local independent bookstores or online from sites like, which supports indie bookstores.
  • Donate kidlit books to schools, libraries, or other organizations that serve children.
  • Share kidlit books with your kids and encourage them to read.
  • Follow kidlit authors and illustrators on social media and support their work by liking, sharing, and commenting on their posts.
  • Attend kidlit events, such as book festivals, author readings, and library programs, and encourage your kids to participate.

By supporting kidlit, we can help to ensure that children have access to the wonderful stories, characters, and ideas that will inspire and educate them for years to come.

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