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All Ages of Geek to Release “Galaxy Delivery Boy” – A Sci-Fi VTuber Web Series

All Ages of Geek and the upcoming Stec Studio are proud to announce its first original, online web series “Galaxy-Boy Delivery”. This anime/cartoon/video game inspired series featuring two new VTubers will be featured on All Ages of Geek’s YouTube Channel twice per week. The programming will be for “all ages” in the middle-grade level (ages 12+).

“Galaxy-Boy Delivery”, a sci-fi, space adventure, will be stylized in the genre of “logs”. The VTubers will give viewers updates on their space journeys per week with each episode being titled by a Log Number. The direction of each episode will be a mixture of improv vs outlined content where the audience gets to interact with the fictional world around them. Episodes can consist of regular “Space Delivery Logs” or be more interactive for gameplays and sponsors. Live-Streams are TBA. 

All Ages of Geek is working with creators around the world to make “Galaxy-Boy Delivery” come to life. The project is fully created by independent freelancers from the US, Indonesia, Japan, Trinidad, Hong Kong, The Philippines and more.

“Galaxy-Boy Delivery” is crowd-funded from Patreon pledgers and Stec Studio, a sister-run team. As an independently run project, pledgers are expected to get perks for supporting the web series, which will launch as the series progresses. 

You can follow the official “Galaxy-Boy Delivery” Twitter here, Stec Studio and All Ages of Geek for updates on the project’s official debut. 

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