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A Guide to Newcoming Content, Dungeons and Dragons Edition

by: Lance Kleinman

“An orc attempts to throw you off a cliff, alright, roll me a Dexterity saving throw.” Sound familiar? If not, allow me to give you a quick explanation. The phrase previously mentioned is referring to a core mechanic in the game “Dungeons and Dragons”, and now that that’s out of the way, allow me to explain why I brought it up.

Recently in the D&D Community, there has been an outburst of new content for people new and old alike, to explore! Specifically in the announcements of two new books: One being an interesting and never before seen study of new types of dragons and classes to follow suit, the other being another fascinating look into Exandria, with their FIRST EVER D&D Adventure Module! These new books are titled “Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons” & “Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep,” speaking of which, I certainly cannot wait to explore more about both subjects in a more in depth perspective! If you are interested in pre-ordering these books, visit the WOTC website, or if you feel like a digital copy, I would recommend visiting D&D Beyond! “Fizban’s” is scheduled to come out on October 26th, 2021, and “Call of the Netherdeep” for the 15th of March, 2022!

In other fascinating D&D news, Wizards of the Coast are going to be exploring a concept many fans have been eager to hear about! WOTC are going to be exploring multiversal beings, as shown with their latest Unearthed Arcana! Some of which includes Auto-Gnomes, Plasmoids, and Thri-kreens! Is it known where they will be taking this concept in the future? Absolutely Not. But from what I can tell, that makes it all the more exciting!

Where to find the Unearthed Arcana:


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Lance Kleinman / Opfar is a staff writer at All Ages of Geek. You can follow him on Twitter
@LanceKleinman & on Instagram @alancealot

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