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We Interviewed The Creator of Memora Wanderer

We had the delightful opportunity to chat with a highly skilled solo developer who is passionately crafting Memora Wanderer, an enchanting and heartwarming RPG that evokes a sense of nostalgia and charm. In this interview we chat all about inspireations, goals, and much more!

1. Tell us about your games. What inspires your work?

I have two games on hold: a pixel art platformer inspired by the old Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong platformers called Taddie’s Tales, and a top down puzzle game inspired by Mole Mania and other puzzle games from the GameBoy era called Deer Flipper. But my main successes and fun has been in developing games that mix 2D pixel art characters with 3D environments. I’ve tried a few types of 2D/3D hybrid in game jams and as of this year I started my main project called Memora Wanderer, a cute nostalgic single-player RPG. It’s inspired from Ragnarok Online, an MMO from the mid-2000s, but it also draws inspiration from Ocarina of Time, isometric ARPGs and even World of Warcraft slightly. It’s a big task that is the culmination of years of work in pixel art, programming, and game dev.

2. What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to do what you do?

Inspiration is a great thing, but it’s not enough. You have to put in the work and learn the skills to make your ideas come to life. And the way to do that is to start, and then keep it up as long as your energy lasts. That’s why I always recommend smaller projects to start with, like small daily sketches, or short game jams. Those will give you the abilities and confidence to take on bigger and better things.

3. Goals for 2024?

In 2024 I need to get Memora Wanderer into a good state for a demo, I need to keep up growth and following for it, and to explore funding options. Being able to work on it full time would be nice, but many factors mean it might not be the right goal to aim for.

4. What is your biggest success story?

There’s no real success story yet, but I hope Memora Wanderer will be.

5. Where can folks support your work?

Right now the best place to follow progress is on twitter @Maytch and on discord (the link is in my twitter bio). If I set up funding options like Kickstarter or Patreon then I’ll announce it there, otherwise you’ll find the giveaways announced there.


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