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Spilled Indie Game Interview with All Ages of Geek

We Interviewed Lente The Creator of Spilled!

We had the pleasure of chatting with solo game dev Lente all about the game Spilled! Read more to learn about this amazing project!

1. Tell us about your games. What inspires your work?

Spilled! is a game about cleaning up oil spills. It is a relaxing & satisfying cozy game. You recycle, earn coins and upgrade your boat. You then explore and clean up new areas with more waste and new challenges! It is a shorter game that you can finish in around 1 hour.

Growing up close to nature, I always quickly noticed when things weren’t the way they were supposed to be. Nature is very important to me! Making an environmentally conscious game only made sense to me!

2. What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to do what you do?

Keep going at it, don’t give up. It might not work out for a long time, but I’m confident that if you keep trying, working hard & smart and changing things up occasionally, you can make anything work!

You have to be willing to not earn much money for a long time. For most people this means working a lot next to a day job. If there’s any way you can save on living costs and thus work your day job less, go for it!

Both of these go to say: you have to find something you’re really passionate at and almost would do for free! For me that is making games and building a business/community.

3. Goals for 2024?

Release Spilled! I hope early in the year 🙂

And I want to travel! I’m currently looking into replacing the engine on my boat as it’s broken and not worth fixing. I might get an electric motor instead! Anyway, once that is done I want to cruise around my country – The Netherlands for some time.

4. What is your biggest success story?

Well, it feels like I’m in the middle of it now >.< my game just went from 3,000 to 10,000 wishlists in a little more than a week! People are supporting me on Patreon, and in general, I just have a really awesome community 🙂

I’ve already made it, really! Although ultimately I’d like to be able to do this full-time. I currently work a day job 2 days a week at a small local supermarket.

5. Where can folks support your work?

I have a Patreon page where you can become a Supporter for $5 and get Early Access to Spilled! all the way up to release. This is also where I post once a week with behind-the-scenes on development and life on my boat.

The best free way to support me is by wishlisting Spilled! on Steam 🙂

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