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We Interviewed Content Creator ReaperBabe Gaming!

We had the pleasure of chatting with ReaperBabe Gaming all about her content! Check it out to learn more about streaming and what it is like to be a content creator!

1. Tell us about your content. What inspires you the most?

My content is focused around RPGs and otomes or dating sims, so it’s really all across the board and largely is based on what my current hyperfixation is at that time. I love stories that have great character growth and show relationships between characters in the story (romantically or platonically). I think most of my inspiration comes from indie game developers, because I’ve made so many connections and friendships through falling in love with their characters in games and I want others to enjoy these characters too! My community even came up with our memorable Frisky/Flirty Friday title for my Friday streams which is when I tend to play otomes and romance heavy games.

2. Goals for the future?

Oh I’ve got so many of those! I guess the one I plan to complete this year is hosting my first charity stream this September to raise money for suicide prevention. I’m setting my goal at $500 for this first round and then who knows how much this can grow in the future! As for the long term, I’d love to go full time content creation like many creators hope to do and maybe even get to do some voice acting work in the process.

3. What can folks expect to see from your content?

In a word: Insanity. My content ranges from fangirling over fictional characters to being trash at a game to the next minute thinking I’m a god at the same game. It’s all in good fun though and I think my community enjoys going on the rollercoaster of emotions with me. Which shoutout to my awesome community for taking care of one another and keeping the positive vibes when we need them most. If people told me they stayed for the community and not for me as a creator, I’d understand.

4. Advice you would give to new streamers or content creators?

Try anything that you enjoy. Good ideas don’t always show themselves right away and if you’re always doing what is popular, whether it be a game or a particular layout, you’ll get burnt out faster than you can imagine. Find things that interest you and stick with them for a bit to see how they may or may not work. Frisky/Flirty Friday is not my most popular thing. I don’t get a lot of viewers on that series, but what I have gotten is to experience beautiful stories by small dev teams and I’ve made some wonderful friends through those streams. Yeah growth is important, but being happy with your content is your number one priority.

5. Thoughts on All Ages of Geek All Ages of Geek is a geek’s paradise.

You guys cover everything nerdy that people are bound to find something they’re interested in on there. I especially love the podcast interviews and seeing more behind the scenes of how different aspects of gaming and nerd culture work.

6. Top 3 favorite games

Mass Effect, When the Night Comes, Baldur’s Gate 3 (just between you and me, 2 and 3 are always changing but Mass Effect will forever stay #1).

7. Where can folks support your work?

They can catch me live on Twitch at reaperbabe7 or check out the VODs and edited videos on YouTube at reaperbabegaming. I’m also on every social media site posting game clips or cosplay content under reaperbabegaming (Instagram) or reaperbabe7 (TikTok and Twitter).

8. Tell us anything! Something positive, something your working on or maybe something random!

One day I hope to have played enough otomes and RPGs to do a tier list of all the characters I’ve romanced. At the moment, I’ve got about 10 on the list but my backlog is at like 230ish games so I’m sure it’ll fill out eventually…but Garrus Vakarian will always be #1.


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