A promotional image for the game Kristala. The image features a catlike warrior in an action pose, with green eyes and wearing medieval-style armor. The background depicts a fantasy forest setting with glowing lights and dark foliage. The Kristala logo is prominently displayed, featuring stylized text and a crystal-like design. The All Ages of Geek logo is visible in the bottom right corner.

PAX East 2024: “Kristala” Spotlight Interview!

At PAX East, All Ages of Geek had the exciting opportunity to interview the team behind Kristala, a Dark Fantasy Action RPG with cats! Check out the interview to learn more!

Combat That Tests Your Skills

Prepare for intense combat. Block, dodge, and deflect attacks while using a mix of light and heavy attacks, powerful weapon abilities, and up to 16 spells. Regenerate Mana by engaging in melee combat to land critical hits.

Navigate with Stealth and Agility

Use unique abilities to navigate the environment and overcome challenges. Unlock new skills as you progress, opening up previously inaccessible areas for more exploration.

Customize Your Feline Hero

Choose your character’s fur pattern and length. Your clan and class will determine your magic, weapons, armor, and stats. Level up your character to match your preferred play style.

Uncover Lore Through Exploration

Explore the world of Ailur, finding journal entries, interacting with NPCs, and discovering Kristal Memory items that reveal past events

All Ages of Geek is a fully independent media platform, brought to life and sustained by the dedication of two sisters and the generous support of our community through donations. We’re passionate about creating content that resonates with our audience, and we’re excited to share our latest project with you—an upcoming game developed with our unique vision and creativity. Explore our other content and see how you can support our journey. Your engagement and contributions make a significant difference. Thank you for being part of our story.

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