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Today All Ages of Geek reacts to Naruto for the first time! React with us on your favorite streaming services to sync up for more interactive reactions.

About Naruto

Naruto wants to visit Sasuke’s room, but the nurses tell him that he’s not accepting visitors. On his way, he sees Kakashi. He tells Naruto that someone better than he will train him. Ebisu arrives and announces himself as Naruto’s new trainer. Naruto complains why a man weaker than himself has to train him. Naruto almost tells Kakashi of when he defeated Ebisu using his Harem Technique but Ebisu covers his mouth, persuading him not to tell anybody (bribing him with free ramen).

After Kakashi leaves, Ebisu challenges Naruto to run away from him, and promises his resignation as Naruto’s tutor if he escapes, adding that he would be able to take over some of Kakashi’s duties, thus leaving Kakashi time to train Naruto himself. Naruto hastily agrees and proceeds to attempt to hide, to no avail as he is easily found by Ebisu. Naruto resorts to using his transformation technique to imitate a girl on a billboard sign but is again discovered by Ebisu. As a last resort he creates many shadow clones and they all run away in different directions. Ebisu, however, performs his own shadow clone technique and easily dispatches the clones and finds the real Naruto.

After that, they eat together at the Ramen Ichiraku. He then explains his usage of chakra, and how Naruto uses much more chakra than necessary. Naruto counters that he’s still able to pull off feats that Sasuke and Sakura can do, which Ebisu attests to the Nine-Tailed Fox’s chakra being accessible to Naruto. After eating, they head to the Hot Spring Town. Ebisu tells Naruto that they will train here. He then explains about the water walking practice. Excited, Naruto attempts it, but falls into the water. He tries repeatedly but to no avail as he continuously falls into the water. As Naruto quickly begins to grasp the basics of the technique, Ebisu realises that he misunderstood him, and even thinks that he is an excellent Konoha ninja.

Ebisu then sees a white-haired man peeking into the women’s changeroom and attacks him; but the white haired man summons a frog and easily defeats him, with Naruto witnessing the attack.

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