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Voice Actor Interview with All Ages of Geek

We Interviewed Voice Actor Michael Aharon!

We had the pleasure of chatting with Michael Aharon all about being a voice actor!

1. What inspired you to become a voice actor?

Well, when I was a child, I found out that I had a knack for accents and impressions. I had already wanted to be an actor, and that transformed into a need to do voice over. I love listening to talented voice actors show off what they can do.

2. Can you describe your process for preparing for a voice acting role?

First thing: I drink a whole bunch of water—like, multiple glasses. The last thing I want is for my mouth to get dry in the middle of a long recording session. Next, I do some warmups. You know, the classics, like “red leather, yellow leather” and “unique New York”. After that, I do a quick mic test and get to work.

3. What has been your biggest challenge as a voice actor and how have you overcome it?

I’d say my biggest challenge so far has been dealing with the technical aspects of voice work—the mixing and audio work, etc. Thankfully, I’ve been learning how to get better at this, so it shouldn’t be a problem for much longer.

4. Can you tell us about a particularly memorable project you worked on and why it stands out to you?

Well, at this point, I’m still a relatively new voice actor—I only joined a couple of weeks ago. But I’d say my most memorable project so far has been voicing a wayward Angel in a video game parody video. The video itself isn’t out yet, but this was the first time I really confronted my previous ineptitude with the technical side of voice acting.

5. How do you handle the pressure of performing in front of a microphone?

I lost my stage fright ages ago. Thankfully, I don’t feel too pressured or anxious about performing in front of a microphone.

6. Can you share any advice for aspiring voice actors just starting out in the industry?

As one of those aspiring voice actors, my best bit of advice is: be patient. You may not get a role in your first week, your first month—hell, your first six months! But when you get that first role and you nail it, it’ll feel all the more rewarding.

7. Can you tell us about a time you had to adapt to a new character or voice?

On my YouTube channel,, I’ve taken up a series from another YouTuber with their blessing. When first recording for the new pilot episode, it was challenging to imitate the original YouTuber’s voices—for some, I actually couldn’t replicate them perfectly and had to improvise! But I think I’ve done a pretty good job overall of keeping the series alive.

8. How do you stay motivated and engaged during long recording sessions?

I listen back to previous recordings. Hearing my work and knowing that I’m doing what I love keeps me going for hours.

9. Can you tell us about an experience you had while working on a project where you had to improvise or come up with an unexpected solution?

Like I said in question seven, I had a hard time imitating the YouTuber whose series I was continuing. I ended up creating a reason as to why they sound different, which you can find out by watching the series! (Shameless plug)

10. Can you share a funny or interesting story from your time as a voice actor?

Like I mentioned earlier, I haven’t been voice acting for long, so I don’t have too many stories. I wish I had something to tell, but I’m just not that interesting yet, sorry.

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