The Mysteries of “Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao”

A futuristic space-themed image featuring a large spaceship and a male character in a blue and silver spacesuit. The spaceship hovers above a vibrant planet with a mix of blue and purple hues. A small robot with a round face hovers near the spaceship. In the foreground, the male character looks determinedly into the distance. The text "Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao" is prominently displayed in the center with a geometric design. The All Ages of Geek logo is positioned in the bottom right corner.

An epic journey with Honour Bound Game Studios’ debut title, Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao. Set on the hostile planet Valtar, players will follow Samuel, Sarah, and Clunky as they brave alien creatures, ruthless smugglers, and the enigmatic Collector in a quest for power hidden within the ancient ruins. Into a world where the Orion […]