We Interviewed Voice Actor Grant Johnson!

We had the pleasure of chatting with voice actor Grant Johnson! Check it out to learn more! 1.What initially inspired you to become a creator, and how has that inspiration evolved throughout your creative journey? I think ever since I was young it’s kind of been my mission to be an entertainer. I watched all […]

The Titans of Pop Culture: How Attack on Titan Redefined Anime

“Attack on Titan” didn’t just crash into the anime scene; it smashed through it like the Colossal Titan busting down Wall Maria. This juggernaut of a series has left an indelible mark on the landscape of anime and beyond, turning into a cultural titan that redefined what an anime can achieve in terms of narrative […]

Which God of War Character Are You? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

The pantheon beckons, brave warrior! Have you ever pondered which deity or mortal from the epic “God of War” series you’re most akin to? Unsheathe your blade and prepare for a quest to uncover your divine counterpart with our “God of War Quiz.” From Sparta to the Nine Realms  Kratos’s journey through myth and legend […]