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We Interviewed Vtuber Siren!

We had the pleasure of interviewing @GreenOceanGame all about their journey as a Vtuber! What inspired you to become a vtuber? There were quite a few things, but the main thing was being able to show a more interesting version of myself, while also being able to show my facial expressions and hand gestures. I […]

We Interviewed Quest Seeker Games

We had the pleasure of interviewing Quest Seeker Games all about what inspires their work and what you can expect from them. “Hello All Ages of Geek staff!, Quest Seeker Games is composed of three people,Ignacio Crouzel, Lucas de Hoz and Matias Morales. We are from Argentina andhave been working together for 5 years now! […]

The Excorcist’s Cookbook Review

NFTs are truly taking over the internet day by day. New creators jump into the metaverse and showcase their visions. Photographers, graphic artists, musicians, fine artists, the possibilities for creators are endless. Today we are going to chat all about The Excorcist’s Cookbook, what they are doing for the metaverse, their designs, and how you […]