D&D Podcasts YOU Need To Check Out!

by: @SchtickySchmidt Dungeons and Dragons is a tabletop fantasy game that was first published in 1974. Since then, the game has evolved many times and seen a shift in its public reception. What was once seen as sort of this super uncool thing that only offensively stereotypical nerds played, it is now this very well-known […]

An Interview With Long Dog Dice

All Ages of Geek Long Dog Dice

How did you discover D&D? A friend of mine was very insistent I listen to The Adventure Zone: Balance for MONTHS. Absolutely would not drop it despite me not being into ttrpgs or really much of a podcast listener. Eventually we agreed that if I listened to an arc of it on the road trip […]

Module Review, Dead in Thay (D&D 5e)

by: Lance Kleinman Modules and Adventures have always had a place in D&D, from when it was first created, to nowadays, modules are built to give players adventures all over the realms, and the Dungeon Master, a world and story ready for them to tell. This is the fifth part in the series known as […]

Sol Bottom Review

NFTs are becoming extremely popular on the internet. More and more artists and creators are joining the metaverse and showing their art to the world. Hand drawn art, digital art, photography, the possibilities are endless in the metaverse. Today we are going to chat all about the NFT collection Sol Bottom and what they have […]

Sims Show Off: Sims For Inspiration!

Sims Show Off is back! Today we feature three creators who made amazing Sims that will inspire simmers from all over! @TheElvishSimmer Original Tweet @jo_se_oh Original Tweet @BashfulCookie Original Tweet — Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Need coverage? Please send an email to [email protected] Tatiana Stec is the Co-Founder […]

eBlitz: The Next BIG App Gamers Need!

Hey Gamers! Do you ever have a hard time finding fun players to play your favorite game with? Do you hate playing with toxic players online? Is it hard to connect with your team in chat when you are trying to start a game? If you answered yes to any of these questions eBlitz has […]

Arcane Season 2? How Fans Reacted To Season 1

In 2021 Arcane was one of the most jaw dropping shows to make its way to Netflix. The amazing story caught fans of the League of Legends as well as people who are not familiar with LoL by surprise. It was a masterpiece. With all the anticipation for Season 2 here is what we know […]