Naruto Joins Fortnite on November 16!

You better believe it, geeks! Naruto is joining Fortnite on November 16th! Fans can expect to see Team 7 in this reveal. Here is what Twitter has to say: ABOUT NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Naruto: Shippuden is an anime series mainly adapted from Part II of Masashi Kishimoto’s original manga series, with exactly 500 episodes. It is […]

Comprehensive Guide to All D&D Classes

by: Lance Kleinman The picture above is from the “Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide,” and you can find that locatedhere: Dungeons and Dragons is a game that prides itself on accessibility and creativity, often allowingthe players to create characters behind their wildest dreams! A key factor in making a characteris what is known as a class, […]