10 Illogical Things in Pokemon Generation 1

Pokemon Gen one on All Ages of Geek

Anyone who has ever played Pokemon has noticed that there are many illogical things in the Pokemon games. Here are 10 illogical things from the first generation (Blue, Red, Yellow). 1) Professor Oak and his Grandson Right at the start of the game we meet Prof. Oak. We learn what Pokemon are and introduce ourselves. […]

All Ages of Geek GO | Ep 3 RWBY V5 Ch 9-12

About RWBY In the supernatural universe of Remnant, four strong girls are training to become Huntresses, which are humanity’s only hope of defeating the shadowy and threatening creatures known as Grimm. About AAOG GO Take All Ages of Geek on the go with you whether you’re commuting to work, school or a long ride home. […]