DC Comics enters the world of Gotham City and twisted chaos as the clown prince of crime makes an impact on the Bat Family. The Joker makes his presence known through the streets as the body count rises. Incredible writer Geoff Johns tears into the emotional and psychological aspects of Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon and Jason Todd.
One Joker becomes three as the truth is revealed as to how a Joker from particular points in history comes from the shadows. Each one represents an iteration of the past being The Killing Joke, Red Hood, and the Classic interpretation.
Together Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood are pushed to the brink of oblivion as they battle each other and their own personal demons chasing the chorus of laughs and red smiles. Multiple crime scenes leave clues for the Bat Family as they track the three Jokers.
Jason Fabok creates the stunning artwork that grips the reader. Fine detail work is present with both the numerous characters and environment. Everything upon the pages and panels is appealing and easy to visualize. The actions and movement from fighting bad guys to studying crime scene clues are very crisp as the storytelling shines through the whole comic book.
The most prominent moments of detail come from close ups of characters displaying emotion whether it be fear, anger, or sadness. Therefore, the reader understands the nature behind every action as the story grows ever more impactful as an end result.
The color pallet comes from the skill of Brad Anderson. The comic has a strong depiction of cool colors being the gloss of night within Gotham. Powerful pigments cut through the page with forms of black, grey, red, green, and yellow.
Colors stay solid in presentation with little to no blends of pigment, which creates a stronger focus on both the characters and environment. An atmosphere of noir is present as the story itself provides a mystery of deadly proportions.
The ongoing story of Batman: Three Jokers will push DC Comics to the forefront of the comics industry. Follow The Bat Family as they look into the abyss of insanity behind Joker. In the end who will get the last laugh?