We had the pleasure of chatting with Deirdre Sullivan all about Guisse and Max! Be sure to check it out to learn more about the book and what lessons you can learn from this amazing read.
Tell us about your Book! What can people expect from it?
Gussie and Max is a story about growing up, and recognizing all the accomplishments and milestones children reach in such a small period of time (even if the parents feel like it takes decades) and the joy it brings to them. Also sharing the experiences with a dear friend is always exciting. I can remember when my youngest could finally see over the counter the expression on her face was priceless, and she said, “Mom, I can finally see what’s up here without needing a stool! I can see by standing on my tiptoes!”
2. What inspired the writing and art?
This book was inspired by two of my girls. My youngest daughter, Cece, would often reminisce about what she could and couldn’t do as a young child. It would always make me laugh because she sounded like an old lady thinking about something that happened in her youth. Also, my other daughter, Lila, who is turning 16, still has her lovie and will most likely take it to college. To me, it’s a combination of hanging onto something dear to your childhood, but still tackling life as it comes your way (with the support of a friend along the way, of course).
3. What lessons can readers expect to see?
I adore Gussie and Max’s relationship, and how they support and encourage each other through the challenges they face, and how they embrace each other’s accomplishments. In writing this story, I tried to capture the feeling of security that they each take from this friendship and use it to embrace new challenges.
4. Where can people support/purchase your book?
It’s on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and of course, the publisher Sky Pony Press
5. What are you currently working on?
I have four girls aged 10-18 and they are always my source of inspiration. So right now, I am working on a children’s book about befriending a ghost because my kids are convinced that we have one living in our house! This has always been a source of entertainment for me and my husband until they started waking us up at 2am because they think they’ve heard a noise.
6. Your goals for your work
I hope that I can reach a handful of children’s lives that can have an “ah-ha” moment, where they connect with the characters on some level, and have a similar experience. My dream would be that kids ask their parents to read my book to them more than once!!
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