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Naruto Uzumaki from the anime "Naruto" is animated leaping joyfully out of a pizza box, with a large pepperoni pizza inside. The background features a close-up of a pizza slice, highlighting the cheesy and pepperoni toppings. The image also includes the "All Ages of Geek" logo in the bottom right corner.

What Pizza Would Your Favorite Anime Hero Order? Find Out Now!

featured pizza from brooklyn square pizza

What Pizza Would Your Favorite Anime Hero Order?

Ever wondered what kind of pizza your favorite Shounen anime heroes would order? Let’s dive into the world of Shounen protagonists and see what pizza toppings match their personalities.

1. Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)

  • Pizza Order: Large pizza with extra cheese, pepperoni, and sausage.
  • Drink: Orange soda
  • Why: Naruto loves hearty and satisfying meals. With his endless energy, a pizza packed with extra cheese and meats is perfect for him. Orange soda adds that extra kick of bold flavor, just like Naruto’s personality.

2. Luffy (One Piece)

  • Pizza Order: Meat lover’s pizza with bacon, sausage, and ham.
  • Drink: Root beer
  • Why: Luffy’s huge appetite and love for meat make this pizza his top choice. He’d go for a meat-packed pizza to satisfy his cravings. Root beer pairs perfectly with his adventurous and carefree spirit.

3. Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

  • Pizza Order: Spicy pepperoni and jalapeño pizza.
  • Drink: Iced tea
  • Why: Ichigo’s strong and determined nature calls for a spicy pizza. The pepperoni and jalapeños reflect his fiery personality. Iced tea cools things down, just like how Ichigo keeps his cool in tough situations.

4. Goku (Dragon Ball)

  • Pizza Order: Extra-large supreme pizza with everything on it.
  • Drink: Energy drink
  • Why: Goku’s enormous appetite and love for food mean he’d go for the biggest and most loaded pizza available. An energy drink keeps him fueled up, fitting his constant need for action and training.

5. Natsu (Fairy Tail)

  • Pizza Order: Spicy chicken pizza with jalapeños and hot sauce.
  • Drink: Any Soda
  • Why: Natsu’s fiery personality and love for intense flavors make a spicy chicken pizza his ideal choice. The added jalapeños and hot sauce match his adventurous spirit. A soda helps cool down the heat while keeping things refreshing.

So, next time you’re grabbing a slice, think about which hero you’d share it with! Who knows, you might find a new favorite topping.

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