#darkhorsecomics #sciencefiction #dreams
A narrative from Dark Horse Comics that transcends the mind and dimensions of reality. In the new title Colonel Weird Cosmagog follows our hero Colonel Randall Weird as he travels through the ribbons of the universe.
Written by Jeff Lemire the creator of the Black Hammer series. The comic book serves as a spinoff title within the same universe focusing on the origins of the space adventurer. After discovering an interdimensional gate beyond our solar system Colonel Weird finds himself sifting through time and space.
Jeff creates a variety of moods and pitfalls as Colonel Weird seeks to regain his lost memories. In an effort to find his memories he retraces his life through the eyes of his former selves. In specific scenes transitions of a young, old, and middle aged Colonel Weird are all present when traveling to other worlds, fighting aliens, and going to school.
Tyler Crook creates the warping scientific journey of Colonel Weird with loose line work and bold colors. Tyler goes for a simplistic style that reflects a golden age essence in appearance. Colonel Weird brings forth notable emotions as he figures out his entire life. He can be cautious, scared, excited, and sad as memories flash before his face. One can witness the full scope of someone breaking down as they try to navigate a shattered construct of their own self awareness.
A watercolor effect is present, one that displays strong imagination. Brushes of color fade between light sources. Certain panels hold powerful emotion with the environment and state of characters. A poetic charm found in children’s books can be seen upon the pages. The comic holds wisps of outlines made by a calm hand as if using paintbrushes.
A beautiful arrangement of color is present involving the entire spectrum. During the day colors become brighter within the sunlight. Inside of buildings those same colors become more cool and softer in appearance. The primary colors of red, blue, and yellow are the most consistent throughout the comic.
Dark Horse Comics will follow the beautiful mind of Colonel Weird as he drifts into the unknown. A scientific journey that will have readers believing in the beyond and the gift of imagination.