Console Wars: The Ending is Due

Well, it’s about damn time that this article series comes to some kind of conclusion because it feels like I milked it, but at least I gave y’all the in-depth look on a cultural movement that has existed for nearly 50 years, but now it’s the opinion part of this entire massive article series. Console […]

Console Wars: The Handheld Wars

Console Wars All Ages of Geek

Welcome to FillerMania, the only time where FillerMania actually got autocorrected to fillet mignon. I don’t know what the hell a fillet mignon is, but I assume it’s meat, and now I want to eat a burger and have some pork chops. Also, the way people say pork chops in New Jersey is weird but […]

Console Wars: The Bit Wars II: A New Enemy

Console Wars 4 All Ages of Geek

The year was 1995 and the only 32-bit console to actually release was the Virtual Boy as the Amiga CD32 doesn’t exist in this timeline of the article. Well, it does, but for context, it was a bad system, and I’ll be talking about it in just a bit. The Genesis and SNES fought a […]

Console Wars: The Bit Wars

Console Wars 5 All Ages of Geek

It was October 1987 and NEC joined the console war with the birth of the PC Engine in Japan. When this console was released, the graphical capabilities were mind-boggling, as it was a 16-bit console. Sega would follow suit and release the Sega Mega Drive a year after the PC Engine was released and it […]