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This image features a dynamic scene from a comic, with strong, heroic figures that embody the epic nature of biblical narratives. On the left, an angelic figure with powerful wings and a muscular build gestures confidently, likely representing a divine messenger or warrior. His expression and stance convey authority and readiness for battle, typical of the depictions of archangels like Michael in Christian art. To the right, a figure that appears to be Jesus is portrayed with a calm and serene expression, looking upward, possibly in an act of prayer or contemplation. The juxtaposition of these figures—an angel and Jesus—suggests a moment of significant spiritual or apocalyptic importance, a common theme in works that depict the end times or divine intervention. The background features a fiery scene, adding a sense of urgency and intensity, with hints of other figures and battle elements, likely contributing to the overall narrative of a cosmic or spiritual battle. The "All Ages of Geek" logo in the bottom right corner indicates that this artwork might be part of a broader discussion or review, likely exploring the themes and artistic elements of the comic. The image overall is rich with emotion and action, drawing the viewer into the story it represents.

Art Ayris Comic Books That Retell the Bible

Hey there, comic lovers and fellow Catholics! Today, we’re diving into the world of Art Ayris. Art is a prolific creator who has brought the Bible to life through his incredible visual storytelling. If you’re into comics that vividly retell biblical stories, you’ll love what Ayris has to offer. Most of his writing comes through Kingstone Comics, where he also serves as the Publisher.

Art Ayris Comic Books You Should Check Out!

The Epic Bible: God’s Story from Eden to Eternity

The cover of "The Epic Bible" visually captures the grandeur and drama of the stories contained within. The artwork is striking, with bold colors and dynamic imagery that immediately draws you in. The use of blue and orange tones creates a sense of contrast, symbolizing the cosmic and earthly battles that play out in the biblical narrative.

At the center, we see what appears to be key biblical figures, possibly depicting moments of struggle, prayer, and divine encounters. The cover's design is both modern and timeless, inviting readers to dive into the epic journey through Scripture that awaits inside. It's a perfect representation of the power and depth of the Bible's stories, reimagined in a graphic novel format that is as visually engaging as it is spiritually enriching.

“The Epic Bible” is a comprehensive graphic novel that spans the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. With dramatic and detailed illustrations, it brings the grand narrative of Scripture to life. This is done in a way that is both accessible and engaging.

This epic retelling is perfect for all ages. The artwork is stunning, capturing the grandeur and drama of biblical events. It’s an excellent resource for those who want to experience the Bible in a visual format.

The Kingstone Bible Volumes

The “Kingstone Bible” is a multi-volume series that delves into specific parts of the Bible with incredible detail and artwork. Each volume focuses on different sections of Scripture, providing a thorough and engaging retelling of biblical stories.

These volumes are a treasure trove for anyone looking to explore the Bible in depth. The illustrations are top-notch, and the storytelling is both faithful to the Scripture and highly engaging. It’s a fantastic series for teens and adults who want a deeper understanding of the Bible.

The Rapture

The cover of "Rapture" is a vibrant and dynamic portrayal of the biblical event known as the Rapture, where believers are taken up from the Earth to meet Christ in the air. The artwork is filled with motion and energy, capturing the awe and excitement of this prophetic moment.

At the top of the image, a figure on a white horse—likely representing Jesus—leads the charge, surrounded by angels blowing trumpets, symbolizing the heavenly announcement of the Rapture. The bright, glowing colors create a sense of divine light and power, emphasizing the supernatural nature of the event.

Below, figures of people are shown ascending from the Earth, their expressions a mix of joy and wonder as they are lifted toward the heavens. The Earth itself is depicted at the bottom of the cover, with the curvature of the planet visible, adding to the sense of scale and the cosmic significance of the event.

The pink and orange tones of the sky add a surreal, almost dreamlike quality to the scene, reinforcing the miraculous and otherworldly aspects of the Rapture. The title "Rapture" is bold and dynamic, matching the intensity of the visual elements.

Overall, the cover of "Rapture" effectively conveys the dramatic and hopeful anticipation of this biblical prophecy, making it clear that the content within will explore one of the most compelling and debated topics in Christian eschatology. The artwork invites readers to dive into the story with a sense of wonder and expectation.

Let’s talk about “The Rapture” by Art Ayris. It’s like a crash course in end-times prophecy with some seriously awesome visuals. Ayris dives into the return of Christ and the whole idea of believers getting taken up. He doesn’t just stick to one viewpoint. He covers all the big ones—pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib. This is all backed by Scripture, so you can see where each side’s coming from.

The artwork? Top-tier. It brings the drama and intensity of the Rapture to life in a way that’s both engaging and memorable. Whether you’re deep into theology or just curious, this graphic novel makes exploring these biblical concepts both fun and thought-provoking. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in the end times!


The cover of "Moses" is a powerful visual representation of one of the most dramatic confrontations in the Bible—the showdown between Moses and Pharaoh. The artwork is rich with symbolism and tension, capturing the moment when Moses, empowered by God, faces off against the mighty ruler of Egypt.

At the center of the cover, Pharaoh sits on his throne, his posture tense and aggressive. His facial expression conveys both anger and fear, as he leans forward, ready to command his kingdom but clearly unsettled by the events unfolding before him. Surrounding him are his advisors, who also appear alarmed, adding to the atmosphere of impending conflict.

Below the throne, the focal point of the image is the two serpents locked in combat. This likely represents the moment when Moses' staff, turned into a serpent by God's power, confronts the serpents of Pharaoh's magicians. The imagery of the serpents emphasizes the power struggle between God’s divine authority and the earthly power of Egypt, with the implication that God’s power will ultimately prevail.

The background features elements of Egyptian architecture and iconography, grounding the scene in its historical context, while the large stone tablets bearing the Ten Commandments at the top of the cover serve as a reminder of Moses’ divine mission.

The use of light and shadow in the artwork creates a dramatic effect, highlighting the intensity of the confrontation. The cover is both visually striking and thematically rich, promising readers a deep and engaging exploration of Moses’ story, from his humble beginnings to his role as the deliverer of God's law.

Now let’s talk about “Moses” by Art Ayris. This one’s a real page-turner that brings the epic story of Moses to life. It’s both gripping and visually stunning. Moses is one of those Old Testament heavyweights. He’s the guy chosen by God to lead the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt. This graphic novel covers all the key moments. From Moses being saved as a baby in that famous basket to his encounter with God at the burning bush. Finally, to the dramatic showdown with Pharaoh that led to the Exodus.

The story is packed with drama—Pharaoh’s stubbornness, the ten plagues, and the first Passover. Ayris does a fantastic job of making these ancient events feel immediate and intense. The artwork is a big part of that, capturing the scale and emotion of the story. Perfect for anyone who loves a good story with a side of spiritual insight!


The cover of "Jonah" vividly captures the intensity and drama of one of the Bible’s most famous stories—the moment when Jonah is cast into the stormy sea. The artwork is dark and foreboding, with lightning illuminating the turbulent waves, adding to the sense of impending doom.

At the center of the image, Jonah is shown mid-air, having just been thrown overboard by the sailors on the ship. His outstretched hand and the expression on his face convey his desperation and fear as he plunges toward the ominous figure of the giant fish, which is ready to swallow him whole. The ship behind him is tossed about by the raging sea, with the sailors bracing themselves against the wind and rain, emphasizing the chaos and danger of the scene.

The use of dark blues and greens, along with the jagged lines of the waves and lightning, creates a sense of movement and turmoil, perfectly capturing the perilous situation Jonah finds himself in. The title "Jonah" is prominently displayed at the top, with the letters appearing as though they are part of the storm, further integrating the text with the overall theme of the cover.

This cover art effectively sets the tone for the story within, highlighting Jonah's struggle with obedience to God's command and the extraordinary events that follow his attempt to flee. It promises a gripping and visually powerful retelling of the prophet’s journey, making it an enticing invitation for readers to explore this biblical tale.

Let’s dive into “Jonah” by Art Ayris. This is a compact yet powerful retelling of the classic story about the prophet who learned the hard way. That God’s love isn’t limited by borders. Jonah tried to run from God’s call, only to end up in the belly of a giant fish. Talk about a wake-up call! This graphic novel beautifully captures Jonah’s journey from stubbornness to surrender. It’s the ultimate lesson that God cares for everyone, not just those who seem to be in the “in” crowd.

The artwork really brings out the emotions in Jonah’s story. His fear, his frustration, and finally, his understanding of God’s boundless compassion. It’s a great read for anyone who’s ever needed a nudge (or a giant fish) to get back on track. Perfect for those who enjoy stories of second chances and divine U-turns!

Revelation Volume 1: The Vision

The cover of "Revelation: The Vision, Volume 1" is a captivating and mysterious depiction that perfectly captures the awe and reverence associated with the visions of the Book of Revelation. The artwork features a group of figures, likely representing the 24 elders described in Revelation, each holding a crown above their heads in an act of worship and submission.

The figures are dressed in flowing robes, and the perspective chosen by the artist gives the viewer the sense of looking up at these elders as they offer their crowns, symbolizing the surrender of their authority to God. The background is filled with swirling clouds, adding a sense of movement and the supernatural, as if the very heavens are alive and in motion during this act of worship.

The title "Revelation" is prominently displayed at the top, with lettering that has a slightly jagged, almost ethereal quality, fitting for the apocalyptic and visionary themes of the book. The muted color palette, dominated by grays, whites, and golds, adds to the somber yet majestic tone of the cover, emphasizing the solemnity and grandeur of the events depicted within.

This cover effectively sets the tone for a deep and thoughtful exploration of the final book of the Bible, inviting readers to delve into the mysteries and prophecies that have fascinated and inspired believers for centuries. The imagery is both powerful and contemplative, reflecting the weighty and divine themes that characterize the Book of Revelation.

Let’s talk about “Revelation Vol. 1” by Art Ayris—a gripping visual journey into the Apostle John’s incredible vision of the end times. While exiled on the island of Patmos, John is shown a revelation of world events that are intense. This graphic novel captures the dramatic and often surreal imagery of the Book of Revelation. It brings to life the visions of beasts, seals, trumpets, and the ultimate showdown between good and evil.

The artwork in this volume is nothing short of mesmerizing, pulling you into the epic scope of John’s visions. It’s a perfect pick for anyone ready to explore one of the most mysterious and powerful books of the Bible.

What are your favorite Art Ayris Books?

So there you have it, folks! A dive into the world of Art Ayris and his incredible biblical comic books. These graphic novels offer ways to experience Scripture, making it accessible and exciting for readers of all ages. Keep the faith, stay curious, and happy reading!

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