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In a world where gaming genres are constantly evolving, the creators of Project Cappuccino 2 are taking strides to redefine and elevate the Hentai genre. This interview offers a rare and intriguing perspective from the developers, discussing their unique approach to integrating narrative, character depth, and adult content into a cohesive, engaging gaming experience. Exploring themes of artistic expression, gameplay mechanics, and community engagement, the developers of Project Cappuccino 2 are pushing boundaries to challenge common misconceptions about the genre and inspire a new era of Hentai games.

As creators of Project Cappuccino 2, how do you aim to contribute positively to the Hentai genre through the game’s storyline and characters?

V/D: We’re aiming to bring a level of quality and polish to the Hentai genre that it has struggled to obtain due to the taboo nature and low barrier to entry in the indie game sphere. Making games easier to develop is a double-edged sword. On one hand it allows people that normally wouldn’t have a chance in the industry gain their footing and polish their skill set. However, on the other hand, it also means that bad actors looking for a fast buck can create low-quality shovelware that ends up making an entire category of games be disregarded. This happened with indie games as a whole with asset flip games made and sold for the sole purpose of making a fast buck.

What measures have you taken to ensure that the adult content in Project Cappuccino 2 is presented tastefully and respects the diverse preferences of players?

V/D: While it’s impossible to cater to everyone, we’re making sure to include things like warnings for the type of content the game will include. Later on in development, we plan to include a quick interview in the beginning of the game that allows players to opt out of seeing some types of content that may be shocking to the average person.

Aside from this, we are also allowing players to take a mix-and-match approach when it comes to their player character. They are freely able to choose things like whether they have breasts or not, skin tone, etc.

Can you discuss how the narrative in Project Cappuccino 2 integrates Hentai elements while maintaining a captivating storyline for players to enjoy?

V/D: In order to maintain an interesting story, we put a ton of depth into the characters themselves, as we feel that they are what will drive any kind of plot. Weaving sex and odd character personalities comes a lot easier when you have a solid idea about how a character would behave or end up in some situations. Since our story in Project Cappuccino 2 takes place in the underworld with succubi, the setting lends itself to all kinds of debauchery and it’s not too far out of reach for them to be in a standard situation and a sexual one moments later.

How do you feel about the increasing acceptance of Hentai games in mainstream gaming, and how has this shift influenced your approach to developing Project Cappuccino 2?

V/D: It’s great! The hentai game sphere is growing at an insane rate with events like Hentai-Expo and platforms like Steam allowing games to be sold on there. I feel like we were fortunate to get in early on the explosion that the industry is seeing and we’ve basically turned hentai game development into a career. When we first started, we never imagined our game would get any attention, much less be able to sell it on Steam or have it featured in a large public event.

In what ways does Project Cappuccino 2 challenge common stereotypes or misconceptions about Hentai as a genre?

V/D: One of the biggest public beliefs about Hentai games is that they’re all sex and no substance.

The thing we hear most often from supporters is that they were originally interested in the sexy succubi, but ended up really enjoying the story and sticking around for that. We ended up making it our motto. “Come for the titties, stay for the story!”

How do you plan to engage with the community and encourage open discussion around the positive aspects of Hentai games, particularly with Project Cappuccino 2?

V/D: Managing a community is a full-time job that is usually stacked on top of our normal development workload. I think it’s not much different than how any other indie developer would engage with their audience. It all boils down to answering questions and letting people know that you’re actively working on your project. More recently, we’ve brought on some extra help to handle the growing community because it seriously eats up a ton of productive time.

As creators, how do you ensure that the game’s elements are well-integrated with the other gameplay mechanics, such as the shop system and character interactions?

V/D: This is usually done through repetitive testing and feedback from players. When someone complains about a mechanic or mentions an issue, we try to revisit that portion of the game and improve it so that other players will have a smoother experience.

Can you share your thoughts on the role of artistic expression in the Hentai genre and how it is represented in the game’s gallery system with over 80 full-resolution art pieces?

V/D: Artistic expression in hentai allows us to really explore the depths of fetishes and sex. The gallery we’re putting together includes all kinds of kinks and scenarios, many of which come from community requests. Since some things like BDSM or sex with monsters may not be everyone’s cup of tea, we included a filter that allows players to sort just for what they’re looking for.

How do you think the Free Play Mode in Project Cappuccino 2 encourages players to explore and appreciate the adult content within the game in a positive light?

V: I don’t think it’s that deep honestly. Free Play mode was a bit of an experiment we did in the first game for players that wanted to get to the sex parts of the game immediately. Fans seemed to enjoy it so we brought it back in the second game.

D: I think it allows players to try new things and experiment with no judgment or repercussions. That gives them longer freeplay sessions where they get to experience how much variety and detail has gone into our game. 

What strategies have you employed to create a safe and respectful environment for players to discuss and enjoy the Hentai elements of Project Cappuccino 2?

V/D: We have a discord server that has established a pretty chill audience where people tend to chime in with what they enjoy or what may not be their cup of tea. It’s interesting because you end up with casual interactions between the people into hand-holding and the ones into extreme bondage.

As far as maintaining a safe and respectful environment, we usually ban people that are deliberately trying to start trouble. Haven’t had to do it more than twice though since most people are mature which is what you kind of hope for when you’re making games for adults.

How do you plan to use the Kickstarter campaign as a platform to promote Project Cappuccino 2?

V/D: Any kind of online presence is additional marketing for a game. Our goal with Kickstarter is to secure a safety net of funds that will allow us to continue development full-time. Inflation has been rough on everyone and we do run the risk of having to cut back on development time in order to make ends meet with other work. We hope that at the very least, Kickstarter gets more eyes on our projects.

What are your biggest goals as an independent studio?

V/D: I personally want to have a catalog of games for players to enjoy when I’m gone. Basically leaving my stain on the internet. Aside from that, we’ve considered expanding into Hentai game publishing but may need to have a few more games under our belt before doing so.

What was the inspiration behind this project?

V/D: We wanted to expand on the story and characters of our first game, but at the same time we also wanted to add more fantasy elements to the mix. The perfect solution was to have it take place in the underworld, where it’s a lot easier to get away with magic and monsters while expanding on the origins of Mira from our first game.

In what ways do you think Project Cappuccino 2’s storyline and characters can help to destigmatize the Hentai genre and make it more accessible to a wider audience?

V: Unfortunately, I feel that Hentai games will continue to be stigmatized along with all other kinds of nudity and taboo topics. I simply hope that more players will give Hentai games a chance and end up finding something they enjoy. The genre is brushed aside too often, but sometimes for good reason. (Crass subject matter, poor presentation, straight up illegal things.) 

D: We try to make our games solid enough that if we were to remove the sex aspect of it, we’d still have a playable game. I think that helps change people’s perspective of what a hentai game can be and leave them more open to other hentai games. I want to make a fun game that lets people not only enjoy the sex, but the game and characters that go with it.

How do you envision the future of the Hentai genre within the gaming industry, and what role do you hope Project Cappuccino 2 will play in this evolution?

V/D: I think that hentai games will always be in the shadowy underbelly of the gaming industry, just as sex and pornography have been around for an eternity. However, it’s still growing and quality games are popping up left and right. I just want them to bring a fun experience to players while at the same time touching on subjects that normal games wouldn’t dare touch.

What challenges do you face as developers in presenting Hentai content positively, and how have you addressed them in Project Cappuccino 2?

V/D: Some issues we run into are things like people being offended at some types of content or ending up shocked when particular fetishes are involved. The main thing we take care to do is to clearly state that the events in the game are fictional and we aren’t actually condoning the kind of activity our characters take part in. (Yeah the handholding you filthy freaks.) In order to tell a good story, we sometimes need a villain to do what a villain would do, which is evil.

Subjects like sexual violence or dubious consent are met with a shock and a gasp from the general public. But too many people have dark fantasies that they want to live out, and doing it in a video game is a way of expressing that without hurting anyone.

Can you share any examples of positive feedback or community engagement that you have received in relation to the game?

V/D: We are fortunate to receive lots of it from time to time! This comes in the form of game reviews telling us that they enjoyed the story, or people complimenting our character designs.

What makes Project Cappuccino 2 stand out from other competitors?

V/D: I have to say that it’s the characters and the world we’re building around them. We put an immense effort into them and are really fleshing them out in unique ways.

What advice would you give to aspiring game developers who want to create Hentai games (or games in general) that promote a positive gaming experience?

V: The simple answer which I’m sure they’re tired of hearing is to just do it. Your first game is probably going to suck, but failing is just taking the next step toward success.

D: There’s no shortcut or prerequisites to start. Just jump in ready to learn a lot of new skills and be flexible for whatever comes your way.

Lastly, what message do you hope to convey to players and the gaming community at large about the potential of Hentai as a genre through the development and release of Project Cappuccino 2?

V/D: The hentai game industry is growing and it’s never been a better time to dive in. It’s important to be aware that there are always bad actors trying to bring the sex industry down with things like de-platforming or adult content bans. However, I believe that sex is persistent and hentai games are just an evolution descended from caveman drawings of big-boobed ladies on a stone wall.

A big thanks to the creators of Project Cappuccino 2, and their passion and commitment to advancing the Hentai genre. Their emphasis on storytelling, character development, and player inclusivity, as well as their dedication to fostering a respectful and engaged community, serves as a beacon for other aspiring game developers. Their ambitious plans for Project Cappuccino 2 serve as an optimistic outlook on the future of the Hentai genre, reminding us all of the vast potential in this often-overlooked sector of the gaming industry. And as their slogan goes, “Come for the titties, stay for the story!”. It’s not just about the Hentai that attracts people to these games.


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