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New Jersey Video Game Ideas

An illustration featuring a map of New Jersey with a close-up focus on the state name and surrounding areas. Overlaid on the map are pixelated icons, including a teal car and three red hearts at the top left, reminiscent of video game graphics. On the right side of the image is a character with bright green hair, yellow eyes, and small bat-like wings, holding a video game controller and sticking out their tongue playfully. The character is dressed in a purple vest with a bow tie. In the bottom right corner, the 'All Ages of Geek' logo is visible in green text.

Hey there, gamers and Garden Staters! Ever wondered what it would be like if New Jersey was a video game? Let’s fire up our imaginations and dive into the rad world of a New Jersey video game. From bustling cities to serene beaches, this game would have it all. So, grab your controllers and let’s […]

Central Jersey Does Exist: The Ultimate Geek Guide

An illustration of a character with bright green hair and a wide, exaggerated grin, holding a newspaper that reads 'Central Jersey DOES Exist' in bold letters. The character has golden eyes and a playful expression. In the lower right corner, the logo for 'All Ages of Geek' is visible, featuring green text with yellow accents. The background is blurred, placing focus on the character and the newspaper.

It’s time to dive into one of New Jersey’s most debated topics: the existence of Central Jersey. Yep, you heard that right – Central Jersey does exist, and it’s more awesome than you might think. Let’s explore this legendary part of the Garden State and why it’s perfect for geeks like us. Central Jersey Does […]