The Excorcist’s Cookbook Review

NFTs are truly taking over the internet day by day. New creators jump into the metaverse and showcase their visions. Photographers, graphic artists, musicians, fine artists, the possibilities for creators are endless. Today we are going to chat all about The Excorcist’s Cookbook, what they are doing for the metaverse, their designs, and how you can support their work.

As stated by The Excorcist’s Cookbook: “Our project is resolving around utilizing the benefits of the crypto gaming, and creating a play-to-earn, open world shooter.”

Many NFT projects have benefited from this approach of crypto gaming giving their community the Play-to-Earn rewards that enhance the NFT experience.

“The main concept of it is an open world game, based on the Sandbox metaverse, where the players are bounty hunters, hunting demons for their price, while other players are able to fight them and steal their rewards. The play to earn aspect is key factor in these rewards. Since the Sandbox metaverse has its own restrictions when things come to development within its lands, the pieces of the collection will be voxel based avatars, and each of the NFts will be playable as avatars. This is also something that most projects do not consider (the graphical restrictions of the sandbox).”

Gamers who are avid players of Minecraft will appreciate the design of The Excorcist’s Cookbook. Their eye-catching yet gaming focused build will attract not just NFT collectors, but gamers who are familiar with the boxed but expressive style. The heavy focus on crypto gaming also gives owners of this NFT the ability to have their avatars represented in a Sandbox Metaverse. This helps people connect with their NFT and character, rather than playing a blank canvas while hunting demons and getting into bounty hunter shenanigans.

The Excorcist’s Cookbook also has social media pages you’ll want to check out to stay updated. There you can interact with the community and like minded people. Following their social media will also give you access to updates. Updates include but are not limited to drop dates, new NFT ideas, giveaways and much more. Because this is a new collection it is very important to stay updated with them on all forms of media.

Over on their website you can learn more about who they are. Be sure to check out all they have going on. This new collection will truly bring so much to anyone’s gallery. Check out all of their links today. Perhaps you will find your next big NFT. Support them today. You will not regret it!




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