Voices Unheard: The Struggle for True LGBTQ+ and Asian Representation in the Industry

I’m mad at the voice acting industry, and we all should be. As an advocate for LGBTQ+ representation in the media, I’ve encountered and studied numerous obstacles when it comes to finding authentic voices for a diverse range of characters. One particular struggle has been finding proper representation for gay Asian men in voice acting. And that’s why this article will discuss the challenges and frustrations faced by All Ages of Geek as casting directors, the necessity of accurate representation, and the commitment to stand against the pressure to compromise on authenticity.

The Challenge in Casting Gay Asian Men for “I Married a Monster on a Hill”

All Ages of Geek is passionate about hearing new voices and properly representing those voices. Even if this is the case the founders have faced immense difficulty in finding gay Asian men to voice characters in their upcoming project, “I Married a Monster on a Hill.” Despite the increasing awareness surrounding LGBTQ+ representation in the media, this problem persists and highlights the need for greater visibility and opportunities for underrepresented communities.

The Disheartening Lack of LGBTQ+ Representation in Voice Acting

It’s upsetting to see the scarcity of LGBTQ+ voices in the voice acting industry. While there have been some strides in recent years, there is still a long way to go to ensure that all voices are heard, and every identity is given a chance to shine. This lack of representation not only stifles the growth of aspiring LGBTQ+ voice actors but also denies audiences the chance to see themselves reflected in the media they consume.

Straight, White Actors Auditioning for LGBTQ+, Asian Roles: A Frustrating Reality

One of the most annoying aspects of the casting process is witnessing straight, white actors attempting to audition for LGBTQ+, Asian roles. How is this okay? At all? Like someone please enlighten me. While it’s essential to acknowledge the talent and dedication of these actors, it’s important to recognize that they cannot genuinely capture the nuances and experiences of being a gay Asian man. Moreover, casting them in these roles only perpetuates the erasure of marginalized voices. There are thousands of roles open for projects. Stop trying to represent roles that are clearly made for someone else.

The False Claims of Progress and the Persistence of Misrepresentation

There’s no denying that representation in media has improved to some extent over the years. However, it’s incredibly frustrating when people argue that things have gotten better while still auditioning for roles that don’t represent them. This behavior sends a message that it’s acceptable to continue ignoring the importance of accurate representation and undermines the progress that has been made so far.

Dismissing Authenticity: The Fiction Excuse

One of the most disheartening excuses given for casting inauthentic voices is that “it’s fiction and doesn’t matter.” This dismissive attitude is not only insulting but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and silences marginalized communities. Representation in fiction is crucial, as it shapes our understanding of the world, fosters empathy, and validates the experiences of those who are often excluded from mainstream media.

All Ages of Geek’s Commitment to Proper Representation

Despite the numerous challenges and pressures, All Ages of Geek remains steadfast in its commitment to finding proper representation for all its characters. The team behind “I Married a Monster on a Hill” has decided to hold off on filling roles for months until they can find the right voices. This dedication to authenticity is a testament to the company’s values and their desire to make a positive impact on media representation.


A great example is Fuyuki (right) from “I Married a Monster on a Hill”. It took the Stec Sisters months to find a proper voice actor for him. Also him and Issac (left) are just so cute so it took months to finally have these two stand next to each other with their proper voice actors.

Voice Acting Reddit and the Push for Compromise

In the search for authentic voices, All Ages of Geek reached out to various Voice Acting Sub Reddits for assistance. Unfortunately, they were met with discouragement and told not to worry about filling LGBTQ+ and Asian roles authentically. The suggestion that it was “easier and faster” to hire someone white and straight only further highlights the lack of understanding and empathy for marginalized communities in the industry.

The Absence of Representation for Gay Asian Men: A Call for Change

The fact that gay Asian men are not represented enough in the media is both disheartening and unjust. Representation matters – it validates experiences, creates a sense of belonging, and fosters understanding between different communities. The lack of proper representation not only perpetuates stereotypes but also robs individuals of the opportunity to see themselves and their stories reflected on-screen.

Famous Voice Actors: Advocating for Indie Projects and Representation

It’s crucial for well-known voice actors to use their influence and platforms to support indie projects that strive for accurate representation. Unfortunately, many of these prominent figures have ignored casting calls for projects like “I Married a Monster on a Hill,” while sharing and promoting projects that prioritize cishet narratives or cast straight actors in gay roles and white actors in Asian roles. By actively supporting diverse projects, famous voice actors can contribute to breaking the cycle of misrepresentation and help create a more inclusive industry. Obviously they can’t support everyone, but really think about it. These voice actors have hundreds of credits and have the platform to share projects trying to represent diverse media. Why aren’t they?

Twitter’s Complaints for Change: The Disconnect Between Words and Action

While social media platforms like Twitter can be powerful tools for advocating change, it’s disheartening to see users complain about the lack of representation in the industry but still audition for roles that are exclusive to LGBTQ+ or Asian voice actors. To create meaningful change, it’s essential for those within the industry to reflect on their actions and recognize the responsibility they hold in promoting accurate representation. By aligning their actions with their beliefs, they can help drive the industry towards greater representation.

As a writer of LGBTQ+ media for All Ages of Geek, I am committed to advocating for change and pushing for greater representation in the industry. It’s time to make a stand and ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, and their stories are told. Authenticity matters, and by striving for genuine representation, we can begin to dismantle harmful stereotypes in the voice acting world.

The struggle for accurate representation in voice acting, particularly for gay Asian men, is a complex and ongoing issue. It’s vital that we continue to advocate for change, demand authentic representation, and challenge the outdated beliefs that hinder progress. It’s really upsetting to see the same issues repeat themselves over and over in this industry. Only through a concerted effort can we ensure that the voice acting industry becomes more inclusive and accurately reflects the diverse world we live in. Let this article serve as a reminder that the fight for representation is far from over, and that our commitment to amplifying marginalized voices should remain steadfast.

Let other voices be heard.

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