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Let’s Just Live: Legacy Songs of RWBY

Rwby Volume 6 on All Ages of Geek

RWBY’s music is perhaps one of the most celebrated parts of the series whether somebody enjoys the series, hates it, likes it but recognizes its flaws, or something else. One of the first things to happen after a new volume ends is people ask when the soundtrack is coming out. It seems like almost everyone […]

Why Fans Still LOVE RWBY

RWBY Fans on All Ages of Geek

Despite the RWBY fandom’s (or FNDM’s) differences, there is one thing all RWBY fans share in common. And that’s their love for a RWBY character. Whether you love Yang and her badassery, Ruby and her quirky love of weapons, even Roman Torchwick and how he was such a fan favorite that Rooster Teeth Animation decided […]