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The Carle Honors: Rohil Interviews Children’s Book Publisher Patricia Aldana on Representation and Healing Through Stories

All Ages of Geek Children's Book Publisher Patricia Aldana

I recently had the profoundly awesome opportunity to interview renowned children’s book publisher and 2021 Carle Honors Honoree, Patricia Aldana, as part of The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art’s art auction and virtual fundraiser, “The Very Virtual Benefits & Auction.” A few things before getting into the interview, minimal edits were made to preserve the voice of the […]

The Carle Honors: Rohil Interviews Prolific Illustrator Raúl Colón.

All Ages of Geek The-Carle-Honors-Rohil-Interviews-Prolific-Illustrator-Raul-Colon.-1024x576

I’ll never forget the overwhelming, pure unbridled joy and scintillating whimsy I felt visiting The Butterfly Conservatory at The American Museum of Natural History in New York. While at the conservatory, Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar came up in conversation, and my impassioned friend could not compute that I had not read the book […]