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House of the Dragon Review

After the bitter taste that left fans disappointed in the final season of Game of Thrones, HBO is looking to reclaim its former glory and win the trust of the viewers with the prequel series House of the Dragon. There is a lot of hype going for it, but expectations are being kept quite low among fans […]

Best Fan Vidders

Photo credit: Vicky Fotopoulou 3D Art Direction It’s the nature of the beast that fan-made art is not going to get as much attention as original content. But I’ve long been a fan of fanart, fanfiction, fan music, fan crafts–and fanvids. Fanvids are clip compilations put together by fans of their favorite TV shows and […]

How Game of Thrones Was the Perfect Eff You to Grown-up Harry Potter Fans

Game of Thrones All Ages of Geek

It’s been a year and I’m still upset.  When I think about the way I feel about the end of Game of Thrones, versus the way I’ve felt about others of my favorite series coming to an end, immense disappointment fills my crushed, crushed soul. I’ve had to say goodbye to beloved characters before, but […]